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It really amazes me how much technology has changed in 9 years… Well, 9 years ago at this time I was in an inpatient rehab facility down in Pittsburgh, PA. I remember it like yesterday, I was very frustrated and had NO IDEA what I was up against. Rehab was absolutely brutal… This is when I knew I really messed up..

All my therapists and doctors were trying to sway me into a power wheelchair like I stated in past posts… THAT WAS NOT HAPPENING.. After some research my therapists had came up with a solution, something that was called Emotion Wheels. They were power assist wheels, these wheels helped me out significantly due to my limited arm/hand function at the time. The Emotion wheels were sort of a pain because of their weight and made it more difficult for my parents or friends to get my chair into a vehicle. In all honesty I would of never been able to put my chair in and out of my car with those wheels. I stopped using the emotion wheels about after a year and a half post injury, they just were not practical for my active lifestyle.

Fast forward to 8 years post injury… I started hearing about this power assist wheel that was light weight and attached to your manual chairs axle. I did some research and decided to ask my wheelchair rep to check into it for me. A few months later I had one and it completely changed my limits.. Now don’t get me wrong, I wrecked a few times here and there, but I probably shouldn’t have tried a few of the things that I was trying… For example; I tapped the wheel and let it get up to full speed through an open field…… next thing I knew I hit a hole and ass over tin cups I go..

Needless to say this SmartDrive Power Assist has opened up a whole new world for me. My wife and I can go for walks/rolls with out her having to assist me up inclines and through rough terrain. (I also love the looks I get when I am just going along with out pushing my chair) When I know I am going places that will entail a lot of pushing I always through my wheel on just in case I need it. I maybe different than others in the aspect of using this Power Assist…. I will have the wheel on my chair, but I only use it when needed. When the wheel is not in use it is basically just a free spinning wheel. I enjoy getting a little bit of a work out! If you have any questions about this wheel, Shoot me an email!

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